Tuesday, September 13, 2011

eternity dust.

What worn refrain.

"There must be more to this life"...
And yet in the free-will stillness inside of me,
I hear the familiar voice of discontent.

Where is life, but in favorable company,
too much to drink, and the general abiding sense

that everything is going to be okay?

Where is life but where You give it...
where You breathe it in?

I have come to one conclusion,
standing like the immortal fortress
among the ruins of all that I've believed concerning You...

it is the occupation of humanity to follow the breath.

The vestige of a dying breed;
evidence of beings whose very existence
gives testimony to Yours.

Those led of the spirit;
those called the Sons of God.

There must be more to this life.
There must be life within this life.

There is a dust on my eyelids that gives flight to my dreams..

it is always the waking that grounds me.

1 comment:

  1. I read this the other day. It's still just as powerful. I'm going to go manage my freedom now. Sin is no more.
